Vocal problems usually derive from poor vocal technique. If you experience any of the following you will probably be singing with a technique that is getting in the way of successful vocal production. Many singers, whether experienced or not, find that they experience some or all of the following problems. Don't worry! With the correct guidance and practice, they can soon be remedied.
- Dry throat or hoarseness in the morning, after singing the night before
- Vocal tiredness
- Vocal tightness
- A feeling of not being able to get a big enough breath or running out of breath before the end of a phrase
- Inability to stay in tune
- Not able to reach certain notes which are within your range
- Female voices: a thin, weak voice on higher notes and a loud, but not very flexible voice on low notes
- Male voices: an ever increasing tightness the higher you go, then having to switch to a falsetto on high notes
- Dry throat or hoarseness in the morning, after singing the night before
- Vocal tiredness
- Vocal tightness
- A feeling of not being able to get a big enough breath or running out of breath before the end of a phrase
- Inability to stay in tune
- Not able to reach certain notes which are within your range
- Female voices: a thin, weak voice on higher notes and a loud, but not very flexible voice on low notes
- Male voices: an ever increasing tightness the higher you go, then having to switch to a falsetto on high notes